On campus VML training
The VML training is a course designed to train therapists and parents to deal with Apraxia of speech. The training is divided into two sections: basic theoretical training (64 hours), practical training (100 hours).
The VML basic theoretical training structure can vary between: intensive 8 days of training, 2 meetings of 4 days each, 3 meetings of 2.5 days each. The structure is determined based on the place of training, size of group, trainers.
The VML training is given in Hebrew when in Israel and in English when given around the world. VML trainings were given in Australia, USA, Taiwan, Romania and Slovenia.
In the near future we will more trainings coming in Romania, Israel, Turkey, Taiwan, Russia and France.
The purpose of the course is to certify therapists to use the VML method worldwide.
The primary target students are the Speech therapists. However, special education teachers, psychologists and other professionals can also take part in the course and become VML specialists. We also encourage parents for children with Apraxia of speech to take the basic stage in order to enable them to help their children and to increase their knowledge of the phenomena.
The VML training objectives are:
- The participant will learn of the VML method development and structure
- The participant will learn of the Latest CAS research results and implications
- The participant will learn to administer all the manual techniques
- The participant will learn to administer the VML Evaluation and basic analysis.
- The participant will learn to use motor learning principles in treatment.
Training Topics:
The VML method, apraxia of speech, theoretical background, manual techniques ; treatment structure, Evaluation, motor learning principles, analysis process, case studies , motor learning theories, problem solving, basic treatment principles.
Practical training
Date – August 2019 – June 2020
Practical training (PT) – working with 3 children for at least 6 month each.
PT requirements:
- Sending through 3 evaluations and treatment plans for each child – beginning , middle, end.
- Sending 6 short video clips of treatment (2 for each child)
- Two assignments (Motor learning principles and techniques self-reflexing)
- Final exam.
- Anatomy and physiology of speech
- Speech and language development
- Phonetics
The assignments will be delivered during the year of training.
The assignments and PT are pre requisite for getting VML therapist certificate
- Two years of experience in working with children with speech delay.
- Compatible CV
- 80% participation in lectures
- 3 assignments for non-SLP participants (not parents)
Training value
- VML Therapist Certificate
- Basic knowledge of VML Manual Techniques
- The ability to start analyzing a case
- Basic knowledge in Motor Learning principles for CAS
- Affiliation to VML members group
- A Complete tool to treat CAS
Setting a training
Training can be organized for a group of professionals and parents in a specific country or region based on demand. Usually a VML seminar will be given prior to the training in order to introduce the training to the professional crowed.
In order to plan a training please contact us.
The online VML training was designed to enable therapists and parents from all over the world to practice VML. There is no option to reach so many people through the on campus traditional version of the training. The on campus option will always be favorable due to the direct interaction with the VML trainer, however, the online version suggest some advantages: more materials, accessibility to learning materials for longer period of time (more than the on campus training), cheaper, convenience (home based) and dynamic. It does require self-discipline, many hours of learning and practicing.
- The Online training can be taken in two ways:
- Whole training – becoming a VML practitioner.
Single courses – you can choose single courses out of over 80 different courses which compose the whole VML training. In this way you can learn specific knowledge that will fit your needs without taking the whole program.
For more information regarding online VML training visit MYVML train